Tuesday, July 31, 2007

3's a Charm

Btw Friday, Monday and this morning, I spent a total of 7 hours at the DMV trying to get my CO license. I went this morning at 7:30a, thinking I'd be the first one in line because they open at 8a. Not so, my friends. Not so. I was about 20th in line. sigh.

BUT. If I'd gotten my license on Friday or Monday I wouldn't have met Claire! This morning, I headed to the back of the already-filling-up chairs and this woman and her son were headed to the same spot. She, kindly, motioned for me to take the one on the end and I did. She sat next to me and pulled out some knitting! I asked what she was working on and she said a bag and I asked if the yarn was Noro Kureyon. She asked how I knew that and I pulled out my own knitting! Her son laughed at us as we discussed our obsession. Claire said she's relatively knew at knitting and is making a booga bag to felt. I had my Mason-Dixon After Dark Nightie in progress to show. We were stuck there (pleasantly and not feeling stuck at all) for about an hour and a half. Her son was there to do his final paperwork to get his first driver's license and they were 2 numbers ahead of me. (The DMV started with #28 today, they were #50, I was #52.)

It amazes me how my life works out sometimes. I'd been so furious at having to waste 5 hours of my life already and having to come back again. Yet, look what happened! I made a new friend!

And yet another new knitting friend was made today. A co-worker named Jackie. We talk a lot at work and since I'm obsessed with knitting, it came up a couple of times. She said she was thinking of learning and of course I jumped at the chance to teach her. May've been a bit too eager at first because she balked for awhile. Well last weekend, she asked if I would still teach her. I said, "Of course!" and she came over today. I taught her to knit in about an hour and we shared our crazy life stories and another friendship (and another knitter) was created.

It's a good day to be a knitter, Ruth!

P. S. Tippa Tuesday: If you're going on a road trip, the best places to stop for potty breaks are public libraries. They're always really clean and you can usually use the computers to check maps, local restaurants, bloglines, whatever....


Throws Like A Girl said...

It's always fun to bring someone into the fold! Muhahahahha!

Yarnhog said...

That may be the best use of DMV time EVER.

Congratulations on hooking another one! And now you have a new knitting buddy, too. I've got to get my act together and catch me some knitting fry.

Anonymous said...

Yay for libraries!

Olga said...

Your story reminds me this saying, (I know, everything reminds me of a story...)I beleive it was Will Rogers who said, " Every stanger is a friend you haven't met yet."
Or something like that anyway.

knitnzu said...

Cool how sometimes it all works out, huh? I heard somebody repeating Ann Richards (??gov TX) who said each day (during her chemo) she had a choice, it was going to be a good day or a bad day, and so she decided it would be a good day, and if it was crappy, well, at least it was a little better!

Anonymous said...

That's so cool! Send me your new friend mojo!

Unknown said...

Very cool! I'm glad you're having a better day!

Chris said...

I'm glad there was a positive to that whole driver's license thing!

Diane said...

How come I always end up with whiney people around me at DMV? Never fun knitters always people on their cell phones whining about how they have to wait.

Meg said...

Thanks for the public library tip... I never thought of that before!