That's 4 video game controllers in a snarled up tangle. No sweat! Silly boys.
On the knitting front, still moving along, slowly but surely, on the Baudelaire socks. There's two big lacy holes every other row in the pattern. The holes on the right (Sl 1, k2tog, pass slipped stitch over) are about half the size of the holes on the left (SSK, slip new stitch from right needle to left, pass second stitch on left needle over new stitch, slip back to right needle). (This is a free pattern at, so I don't think I'm infringing any copyright. At least I hope not!) Any tips here friends?
More garage cleaning....
Lucky me, Ruth!
Seriously- a knitter worth half her salt could untangle that with her eyes shut!
have you tried the Knitty forum aka Coffeeshop? there's quite a few Baudelaire knitters out there.
Plastic coated "yarn" is MUCH easier to untangle.
I didn't notice that issue with the Baudelaire. But I'm curious what you find out.
Ack! Tangled stringy things. Some days seems like that's all I do, untangle things...strings, messes, data history...on and on and on! I'm wondering if you do one action tighter than the other, like maybe K2tog tighter than the other side?
Hey! one of the Jen/la party is comin to Parker and they is looking for knitters.Know any? Check out if you want to give them a shout out.
re the Baudelaire. The holes should be formed by the yo's in the pattern. The only spot that the double-decreases will touch the holes is on row 2 of the pattern repeat. The best advice I can give for keeping the right and left sides even is making sure that the decrease maneuvers are pulled snug (the ssk-juggling decrease in particular needs to be jiggled a bit to stay snug). I hope this helps!
Piece of cake untangling that!
My daughter picked up some balloons at the party shop and told the owner to stuff them all in one bag. The owner said, "the ribbons will all tangle" to which my daughter answered, "my mom's a knitter. she's got mad skills when it comes to untangling."
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