Friday, January 9, 2009


Last year's yarny resolutions are here. I didn't finish a single thing on that list. Not one! The WIP's on that list are in the exact same place as they were a year ago and the new stuff I listed... didn't cast on a one.

I'm going to approach my 2009 Knitting Resolutions a bit differently this year.

1. Stash Busting - I went through all my bins, photographed and cataloged them on Ravelry (it was like a second friggin' job, I tell ya!). I found that I have enough sock yarn to make 135 pairs of socks. One hundred and thirty five. I have yet to finish one single pitiful sock. I'm going to do my best to not buy anymore yarn this year. I know that it's not likely I'll not buy anything but I'm going to seriously consider my Rav stash page before I lay down any money. I can buy stuff to finish projects I have (like there's a hat I have the yarn for that I discovered I'll need an extra skein to finish it). I'll be in swaps as they come along, too. That cataloging was a serious wake-up call. There's got to be a point when I have to say, "Enough!" and be satisfied with what I already own. It's one of the things I've struggled with all my life. I'm a child when it comes to instant gratification. I see something I like and I. Must. Have. It. Now! That needs to stop. I'm in 2 Sock Clubs and 3 big swaps, that'll have to do me for awhile.

2. Closet of No Return - I've spoken of this closet before. This is where things get banished when the design I have in my head surpasses my actual abilities. It's not even a matter of getting bored with a project, it's just flat out giving up and that's not like me. I moved a lot of it to a plastic bin marked "WIP ". The stuff left in the closet is going to either be moved to the WIP bin or frogged. I've recently found myself finishing one project at a time! I'm clearing out a lot of needles this way. Not to say I don't still have about 15 things on needles at a time but I'm tending to stick with one project to it's end with a few small, quick things plugged in here and there (scarves, hats, stuff like that).

3. Sweater-a-Month KAL - This KAL has me jazzed to finish stuff. I wasn't going to join it but then I found out it includes WIP's and vests and tank tops. Hell, the WIP bin alone can cover about 8 months! We'll see how it goes...

That's about it! Some simple lists, and some soul-searching are all I have planned for this year. Wish me luck!

Here's to growing, Ruth!


Yarnhog said...

May I suggest: if it was in your WIP resolution pile for last year, and you still haven't finished it, maybe it's time to frog. Knitting is supposed to be fun, because lord knows it's not practical, and if a project is no fun, it has outlived its usefulness and should be turned into "free yarn" so you can enjoy it all over again!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Ruth!

Unknown said...

I have to remember to love my stash too. I really do not need anymore yarn!

Kristina Knits said...

Yay, maybe if we're both doing the sweater a month KAL we can keep each other on track :)

Sam said...

Yay, I'm also doing the sweater a month KAL for the same reason! I'm really excited about filling my closet with handknit and WIP goodies. And I've also made a promise to myself not to grow my stash this year -- that I can only buy if I have used something up recently (got to take baby steps first ha ha ha). Let's keep in touch on how we are getting on...

Heide said...

135! Holy crapcycle batman, that's more socks than most people will probably knit in an entire lifetime. Don't suppose you took pictures to share so that we can live vicariously through your stash?

5elementknitr said...

Heide, It's Ruth! Hey, most of my stuff is on Ravelry. My Rav ID is 5elementknitr.