Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Thing About Boys Is...

sometimes you walk into their room and this is the first thing you see...

Silly boys.

Sorry for the late post but I woke up this morning feeling like a Mac truck ran me over. Twice. I've been mysteriously achy all day. And a little nauseous. Bleh.

Here's your Tippa Tuesday, shamelessly stolen from BeckyKnitsToo. She suggested a way to keep track of your rows as well as your stitch markers. The kind of stitch markers that slip into the stitch. She said to hook the markers into your knitting and leave one on the needle. When you get to row 2, hook another marker into the one on the needle (2 markers hanging), row 3 add another marker to the ones on the needle (3 markers hanging), etc. If it's, say, a four row repeat, when you get to row one again, put the other 3 markers back into the knitting! What a great idea!

Tomorrow, I'll be posting pictures of more prizes for my contest.

Going to go look for some chicken soup and pillows, Ruth!

ETA: Forgot to tell everyone. I know of a kitten up for free adoption. It's a male, between a long and short hair cat. It's mostly white with some grey spots. It's also mostly blind. I'm told it can see shapes and tell light from dark. I wonder how they know that? If you are in the Denver area and are interested at all, email me: Ruth AT 5elementknitr DOT com. Thanks!


knitnzu said...

That's really pretty funny! Here's my tips for Tuesday (I actually said these today, so wise, I know...not!) When you feel like crap you should wear a color that looks good on you (rather than one that accentuates your tired/sickness). And it isn't such a good idea to make an appointment for a wife through her husband...what was the guy thinkin'?

Yarnhog said...

Mysteriously achy and a little nauseous, huh? Any chance you're pregnant?

Chris said...

Take care of yourself!! Is it adjusting to your new job?

Boys!! :)

Unknown said...

I hope you feel better!!! I've got a raging cold at the moment as well. It kicked my butt yesterday but I'm perking up now.

Boys are funny!

sophanne said...

Thanks for the dino pics. You regularly make me laugh. I am so very glad for that. It must be Target targeting you. Also thanks for the mention. Steal away. I don't think I could have described it so well.

Olga said...

Yep, my first thought was preggers too! Blog world is waiting......