Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Shall I introduce myself? Probably not a bad idea. My name is Ruth Moline (used to be Ruth R. Riggs before 4/22/00). I'm 35, 36 on 4/13 (presents always welcome) and I have an amazing husband and two fantastic, aggravating, unbelievably smart and of course beautiful little boys (T - 5 in May and D - 3 in May) and I write really long sentences.
I learned to knit June/04. I actually wanted to learn to crochet (and am currently doing so) but I saw my friend/client Lisa L. knitting and asked if she could teach me and some of the women in my playgroup (kids, not theater). She said "Sure!", having no idea what she was in for. We met at a local spot that only serves desserts (Something Sweet in Tucson, highly recommend it!) and in a little over 2 hours she was only able to teach the four of us to cast on and the knit stitch! She's a fabulous, patient teacher, we were just completely lame. She told us she hadn't laughed that hard in years! I was the only one out of the four that stuck with it! I bought Stitch n' Bitch, read it through, understood very little and pressed on. In July, I had lunch with Lisa and she showed me how to bind off, then in August, she showed me the purl stitch! It's not that I'm that slow a learner, it's just that Lisa's a midwife and btw her schedule and mine, we don't get together as often as we'd like! So btw June/04 and Dec/04 I made about $600 selling the stuff I knit! I was hooked. Now, in the past, I've taken up with various craft-like endeavors all in the search to make some easy money. I admit that knitting started out in the same greedy manner but as time passed I realized I really enjoyed this crazy sticks and strings thing! And, I might add, I'm actually pretty good at it! I've been addicted to cross-stitch in the past but with the birth of the boys I can't really do that as much anymore (babies and the 300 pieces of stuff needed to make a cross-stitch project just don't blend well). But with 2 sticks and some string, they're over it and they leave me be! (I call it fostering independence in my children) Same with the cross-stitch, though, I'm completely addicted to the fibers and the patterns and the books and the mags!
OK, fast forward to today. My obsession passion has become a business. I own an ebay yarn store (http://store.ebay.com/YarnSpa), I'm writing a knitting book, and I've developed a product that hopefully will be a big hit soon (the Needle Knoggin). And I've just recently cast on my first project with sleeves! (The "pinup queen" sweater, S'n B pg. 207). (I know, some may ask, how can you write a knitting book w/o knowing how to do sleeves? I've been assured it's not a problem, it's not a how-to book, more of a pattern book.) My friend and teacher, the aforementioned Lisa L. came to my office to shop for yarn and she laughed when she saw my massage table. She says she forgets that I'm a massage therapist. She thinks of me as a knitter who just happens to do massage. Can you think of a better compliment?? (By the way, I AM a licensed massage therapist (LMT) in Tucson, AZ. Peace Of Tucson is my business name!) That's all for now, lovelies! More soon!

OK, that was a post from my old blog. Update - finished the pinup queen sweater. LOVE IT! Here's a pic:
Still plugging away at the book. The Kneedle Knoggin has been a disaster (another story for another day). I still sell a few things here and there but mainly I knit for me these days! I also still have my ebay store. Oh and I'll be 37 this 4/13 (presents still welcome!)

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