Pattern: Baudelaire Yarn: Claudia Handpaints Butter Pecan

and a sleeve....

Some of you may recognize the foot as the Baudelaire I started/attempted last year for the Tour de Force KnitALong. I got halfway thru the foot and got to the increase part but the increases would've been between the needles (Magic Loop method) and I couldn't figure it out. It wasn't until months later that it occurred to me to move the stitches around so the increases would be on the needles instead of in between. DUH!
By the time I figured it out, the sock was deep in the Closet of No Return. I dug it out to try it again for this year's TDF KAL. I finished the foot! But got stuck on the next set of increases for the gusset. sigh. Maybe next year....
Then there's the Pimlico Shrug I attempted for the Ravelympics. I signed up for the Ravelympics but I think I needed to sign up again and didn't know. I couldn't find me anywhere in the arena's or whatever. Just as well since I didn't finish. I finished 13 of the 36" of body knitting and one sleeve. I'm still plugging away at it. The yarn is Alpaca With a Twist Highlander and I'm in love with it. It's warm and soft and tweedy and lovely to work with! I've been spit-splicing the ends so no weaving in ends except at beginning and end of piece. (A word of warning, this stuff felts super easy! Might want to take extra special care when washing. Just sayin') I have 17" of body now and both sleeves (although I need to redo the BO on the second sleeve, I always forget to bind off tighter when in rib.)
The 16 row pattern is easy and pretty intuitive but after 17" and another 19" to go, it's getting a bit boring! I'm still working on it a bit every day. Our friend (and godmother to our kids), D'Lynn picked out this pattern and also picked/bought the yarn for me to make it for her. I was so excited! I've been wanting to try both the pattern and the yarn forever! I probably won't make a second one for me as I don't see facing another 36" of that pattern, easy as it is. But I definitely will acquire some of that yarn for me!
I know you're all shocked that I have been knitting. I have. Constantly and obsessively. I've discovered I'm a process knitter. Couldn't sleep the other night and worked on a hat I'd cast on for. Working it, I knew it was looking WAY too big. I was too tired to try to rip and do math and re-cast on so I just worked the rib for another... 3 inches. Ripped the following morning and did some math and it's just waiting for me to cast on again.
I can't believe I didn't finish anything for the R'lympics and TDF KAL again!
I haz a fail, Ruth!
and a sleeve....
Some of you may recognize the foot as the Baudelaire I started/attempted last year for the Tour de Force KnitALong. I got halfway thru the foot and got to the increase part but the increases would've been between the needles (Magic Loop method) and I couldn't figure it out. It wasn't until months later that it occurred to me to move the stitches around so the increases would be on the needles instead of in between. DUH!
By the time I figured it out, the sock was deep in the Closet of No Return. I dug it out to try it again for this year's TDF KAL. I finished the foot! But got stuck on the next set of increases for the gusset. sigh. Maybe next year....
Then there's the Pimlico Shrug I attempted for the Ravelympics. I signed up for the Ravelympics but I think I needed to sign up again and didn't know. I couldn't find me anywhere in the arena's or whatever. Just as well since I didn't finish. I finished 13 of the 36" of body knitting and one sleeve. I'm still plugging away at it. The yarn is Alpaca With a Twist Highlander and I'm in love with it. It's warm and soft and tweedy and lovely to work with! I've been spit-splicing the ends so no weaving in ends except at beginning and end of piece. (A word of warning, this stuff felts super easy! Might want to take extra special care when washing. Just sayin') I have 17" of body now and both sleeves (although I need to redo the BO on the second sleeve, I always forget to bind off tighter when in rib.)
The 16 row pattern is easy and pretty intuitive but after 17" and another 19" to go, it's getting a bit boring! I'm still working on it a bit every day. Our friend (and godmother to our kids), D'Lynn picked out this pattern and also picked/bought the yarn for me to make it for her. I was so excited! I've been wanting to try both the pattern and the yarn forever! I probably won't make a second one for me as I don't see facing another 36" of that pattern, easy as it is. But I definitely will acquire some of that yarn for me!
I know you're all shocked that I have been knitting. I have. Constantly and obsessively. I've discovered I'm a process knitter. Couldn't sleep the other night and worked on a hat I'd cast on for. Working it, I knew it was looking WAY too big. I was too tired to try to rip and do math and re-cast on so I just worked the rib for another... 3 inches. Ripped the following morning and did some math and it's just waiting for me to cast on again.
I can't believe I didn't finish anything for the R'lympics and TDF KAL again!
I haz a fail, Ruth!
I love that pattern (Baudelaire) with that yarn. It looks magical
Look at you working on a sock. I think you should keep on working on it.
I must haz that yarn. Butter Pecan, yum...
Your sock is coming along beautifully!
Ooooooh! Pretty yarn (and sock). :)
Pretty! Love that butter pecan color!
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